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Cant update firmware on G7 X Mark III


Hello everyone. This is my first post. I´m having problems updating the G7X Mark III Firmware. I´ve never done a firmware update on this particular camera, so it´s running on Ver 1.0.1 .

I downloaded the firmware, extracted the file, copied it to the root on a freshly formatted SD card (did the formatting on the camera itself). The camera is set on P mode, as suggested in the updating procedure. I can see just fine the firmware menu, on the fifth Settings tab.


Menu shows up fine.Menu shows up fine.Everything ok here to.Everything ok here to.The upgrade program loads ok.The upgrade program loads ok.I can´t click OK.I can´t click OK.

When I click on the firmware version, it opens up the prompt asking me if I want to update firmware. Clicked OK.

Then I´m asked to select the firmware, which can be seen there just fine as a .FIR file. But, and here´s the fun part, there´s no OK button. Just the Cancel one. So I can´t move past this point. Any ideas would be appreciated.

I´ve also tried a couple other firmware versions (it could be incremental), but the problem is always the same.



Both batteries I use are Canon. Got the spare at the same time with the G7 X III at B&H . Always fully charged. The camera is not connected to anything else, wifi nor bluetooth. Will call Canon for sure since it´s starting to get very annoying.

Thanks for the reply.
