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PowerShot SX620 HS function button not working


Hi! I recently bought a canon sx620 HS, and when I got it I noticed that the function button won’t work (the one with the flower) so I’m not able to change iso, awb, or anything. Nothing happens when I press the button. Please help!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Greetings Katie5,

The button with the flower icon is the Macro button which restricts the focus to subjects that are at close range to the camera. You may review page 58 of the user guide for more information on how to use this function.

Changing the ISO, AWB and other functions can be performed by pressing the FUNC SET button to the right of the flower icon. This would pull up a menu towards the left-hand side of the LCD screen which would allow for you to scroll and select which function to change. Please note that more functions are available when the camera is set to the Program (P) mode since the AUTO mode will allow the camera to control most shooting settings. Page 53 of the user guide will provide more information on how to change the camera to the Program shooting mode and to make specific shooting adjustments.
