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Canon G7x Mark ii not conecting to Win 10 wirelessly and how I fixed it


G'Day Peeps ....First Post Here Smiley Happy


Have just bought my self a wonderful Canon G7X Mark ii camera, but was supper disappointed to find that it wouldn't,t wirelessly connect to my Win10 laptop. But as they say "perseverance is a viture' and after about 10 hours of trying to get it to connect and searching and trying everything! I finally worked out why it wouldn't connect wirelessly, yet when connected via USB it worked seamlessly and the same with my iPhone and iPad.


Ends up it was a very simple thing to fix.



 I FINALLY worked out that it was my "McAfee" Virus Protection" Firewall that was stopping camera from accessing my Win10 computer! 



Initially I completely switched of the McAfee firewall ( for 15 minutes) and Hallelujah ! my device finally connected to the computer! 


I then opened up....  "Control Panel/Device and Printers" and with great relief saw that my G7x mark ii camera now showed as a detected device! 


You then need to right click on your camera icon... select Properties then select the UPnP Tab in the Properties screen. At the bottom of this tabs screen you should then be able to see the IP Address for your camera. {Write down the IP address}


I then re-opened my McAfee Anti Virus program and selected PC Security/ Click the Firewall button/ Then "My Network Conections then just  click on the ADD button and enter in your cameras IP Address, as an allowed safe device. 



Your Canon PowerShot G7X Mark ii and your Win10 computer willnow now be the Best Of Mates, and will happily "talk" to each other and share their photos together !!! 


Hope this has been of some help to anyone else who may also be having the same problem I once had.





I disabled my AVG firewall but still no luck.  Camara cannot find my computer when finding device.   I also have Windows 10.


You are an angel from above! I have tried everything right down to buying a new router because on one of the sites someone set it was a router issue. I stumbled upon your post and I greatly appreciate how detailed it was because it worked!!!!! Thank you bunches!!!