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Battery indicator very unreliable - please fix it!




this topic has been discussed several times now for different Canon camera models.

I have a S110 as another example. This also has very very unrealiable battery indicator - pretty much useless.



Always when using any "power hungry" functions like zooming or shooting video it seems the battery level drops rapidly  and it starts flashing red.

But the camera can be used without problems - shooting 100 photos and taking video after it starts flashing - no problem.

Turn it off and back on after 2 sec and - oh look - full battery again! Magic! 😉


To instantly reproduce the red blinking - just turn the large lens wheel in auto mode which changes the zoom level in several abrupt steps - this seems to stress it. I just need to do this three times back and forth and bang - red flashing battery indicator.

Turn on and off again - full battery. I can still shoot something like 100 photos when this first happens!



And only 3 bars as battery level is poor.

I have 15 years old Cellphones that have 6 bargraph levels and they were very reliable indicators. Not to mention even finer resolution and even fancy data logging on modern phones/notebooks.

Same battery technology since 15 years and longer.

C'mon Canon you can do better than that! 

Please fix this in firmware for the S110 if possible at all, this is an essential very basic function!



Sorry for the rant, but details like this ruin an otherwise great product.








The Forum won't let me leave a "me too", so this reply is my saying me too.
