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ipf8400 with Photoshop plugin: Issues with scaling on roll paper


I'm asking this question for someone who isn't as technically minded and is new to printing large format using an ipf8400. They are trying to print an image through photoshop CC using the adobe plugin in the export section of file. Now in the plugin window the image orientation is set to portrait on manual scaling with top/left margins set as borders and the image's bottom margin will be manally cut. The idea is to print the image on some A0/44 inch roll and have the right side of the image the same measurement as the left margin for mounting on a frame. Only what's happening is the image prints out while leaving a rather wide gap on the right side, even when adjusted so in the preview pane it appears to have equal margin on both sides. This is rather annoying since everything else is set properly.


If there's anything else you need from me to clarify this issue, let me know. I'd like just like to know why the right hand margin is wider than the left.


