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imageCLASS MF8380Cdw Scan-to-email suddenly stopped working - error 806


The old "scan to email suddenly stopped working on a Canon MFP" thread. I need some help!


I work in IT and had this exact same issue occur a few months ago. We bent over backwards to fix it, and eventually discovered that clearing the "domain name" and "host name" fields in the TCP/IP settings resolved the problem. We had tried everything we could think of, read all the articles online, etc.


Now, we are having it again at a different client, same exact issue. Scan to email worked for years, then suddenly it stopped working. We've tried the same fix and everything else, and can't get it resolved. I am out of ideas. I'm re-reading articles and getting nowhere.


Model is Canon 8380cdw. I have not upgrade the firmware b/c I haven't done that before and want to make sure I know what I'm doing so that I don't brick a critcial MFP.


We're using Office 365 direct send, so the MX endpoint address (i.e. with a dummy email address over port 25 and not authentication. This works fine so long as you send within your domain and have your public IP added to your SPF record, which we do. We've tried Gmail, Mailgun, and have confirmed via SMTP testers that we can send messages to the company employees. I've run packet captures during the scan and there is no traffic from the MFP. I highly suspect the scan job isn't even getting outside the machine.


Please, any ideas???


I found the answer outside of this forum and it's as simple as to put ketchup on fries:

just klick or unklick the "TLS for SMTP" in the network preference for the Email you want to forward the scan. 
