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imageCLASS MF644Cdw- Setting up "Scan to Email" using Gmail SMTP / help?


For the past several months, I have tried setting up my MF644CDW to scan to email. I've followed the instructions to the best of my ability, and read a number of posts on here... and yet, I'm still stuck. Turning to this forum in the hopes someone has cracked the code.


Here's what I've done so far:


  • Using RemoteUI, gone to Settings & Registration > Network Settings > Port Number Settings
    • I set the SMTP port to 587
  • Using RemoteUI, gone to Settings & Registration > TX Settings > E-Mail/I-Fax Settings
    • SMTP server:
    • E-mail address: (my username)
    • Password: (my gmail password)
    • Use SMTP authentication (SMTP Auth): checked yes
      • Username: (my username)
    • Use TLS for SMTP: checked yes
  • On Gmail itself (a free personal account, if it matters...) I enabled "less secure apps"


Here's what happens when I try to Scan to E-mail:


  • Very quickly, after scanning a document, the printer warms up and prints out a status report. There are not many details: only the number of pages, the destination email, and the word "ERROR"

Did I miss something here? Is there a way to get more information from the printer about what the error actually is - is it an authentication error, something else?


Appreciate any pointers you guys have. Going crazy here...



Hello to all,

My gmail settings were not working, following all the instrucrions though. It was working in the past. Finally, i restore the default settings and it worked again. I think some issues relates to SMTP was somehow fixed in this way.

Thank you for the steps you've presented. I'm writing this in 2024, some three years since you posted, and they're still working. Canon couldn't help at all and I spent hours looking on their website for the solution. But on the Canon Community, your instructions were nailed it.

Worked for me, excellent advice, I also changed the scan link setting to using TLS which was not set when the scanner shipped. Not sure if this was necessary but all good.
