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imageCLASS MF455dw "Out of paper" error


Canon MF455dw printer/scanner/fax:   I get an "out of paper" error message, that tray is empty when it is not (either with a little or a lot of paper). Correct paper used. tried unplugging and restarting.  Cassette seems to be well and properly loaded and inserted. Removed, checked and reinserted a few times to be sure. However, it WILL print satisfactorily if I feed paper in the manual slot.   This started abruptly today. (The only other message is a "low toner" message, although I assume that should not interfere with the paper feeding as long as it is not empty...and, as I noted, the copies fed through the manual feed look fine.)  To my naive way of thinking, it would almost seem like the machine is not sensing the presence of paper in the tray??



I have the same problem.  Paper bin is full and I am told that the printer is out of paper.  I have to walk over, touch the touchpad, work with the touchpad to say that the paper is loaded, and then the printing will start.  But if there are several print jobs in the cue, I have to repeat this with each print job.  Also... when the printer goes to sleep, if I line up another print job, it says that it can't find the printer.  I have to turn it off and on again to print (and then I also have the "out of paper" issue).
