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Q: How to scan multiple pages into multiple PDFs?


I need to plop a stack of invoices (a couple of hundred at a time) in the ADF on my IR C7055 and have it scan them all into their own separate PDFs.  Currently it scans all the pages into one single PDF.  How can I force it to create one PDF per page?





Hi, AngryPenguin! Thanks for posting!

While our forum community members are welcome to chime in, Canon does not provide direct support for imageRUNNER series products. Instead, your dealer will be able to help you! If you don't have a dealer, please call us at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) and we will be happy to provide you with the names of dealers in your area!

We hope this helps!

Thanks Danny, I already have a call into our dealer's tech line but haven't gotten a return call yet (they can take a few days).


I was hoping someone here had the answer or at least the process to do this on any Canon platform as the terminology used would potentially assist me in at least Googling a solution.  I'm guessing (hoping) that it's a simple thing (a checkbox somewhere), but I can't find it for the life of me.  My Google-Fu has failed me thus far. 😞



I know this thread is very dead however, as someone who needed assistance and found this post, I wanted to reply the answer for anyone else who came across this.


The answer is within your OCR settings under "Scan and Send". 


Per the manual of our unit:

If you want to separate multiple images and send them as separate files, each of which consists of only one page, press <Divide into Pages>  enter the number of pages to divide by  press <OK>. If you want to scan the images as a single file, press <Divide into Pages>  <Cancel Settings>.

