My MF743CDW Printer will not select the correct paper tray/Multi function tray when printing envelop


My previous ImageCLASS printer 833 could distinguish between an envelope and a letter. Now I have a MF743CDW imageCLASS. It cannot do the same. It is printing letters on envelopes. It will not select the envelopes when the MF tray is selected. How do I fix the problem?



Me too only it keeps telling me the printer drawer is empty but I'm not using that drawer


Hello RoscoeH and lisa52.


What will most likely help here is setting a custom printing profile, including a specified paper size and paper source.


Open the MF driver interface, set the relevant settings, then chooes to Add a profile.  Refer to the MF Driver Online Manual for more specific information about this process.  If using a non-Canon driver, refer to that driver's developer for support.


If you need immediate assistance with this issue, please contact us using the numbers and information at


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