Maxify GX1020 support code 3414


I encountered this support code 3414 when trying to scan and send the scanned doc to me email.  There is no self-help instruction in the chat bot to help me clear the error and receive my scanned doc.  Help, please


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi MBoeh,

The 3414 error occurs when you attempt to scan and send to email and communication with the email server has failed.

Please press the OK button on your printer to clear the error.

Next, please make sure that the address and port number of the outgoing mail server (SMTP server) set in Set mail server are correct with Remote UI.

Information on this can be viewed here:

GX1000 series > Handling Printer Configuration Using the Web Browser > Setting Mail Server

If you continue to have difficulties, please contact one of Canon's Technical Support Representatives via phone or chat. To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below to log into your My Canon account:

Once logged in, click on your MAXIFY GX1020 and then click on the Product Support button. When that page loads, click on either the Phone Support button or the Chat Support button to access a Technical Support Representative.











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