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imageCLASS MF465dw won't print envelopes



I have a Canon Image Class MF465DW Laser printer I use at home. The pronter and I are new to each other and I have no problems with it except that I cannot print envelopes. I use a sma;; address program that I have used for years but so far I cannot seem to get the setup working. I can configure the paper tray for No. 19 envelopes and they feed perfectly bit with no printing on them. As sson as I reconfigure the paper tray and load letter size paper the machine will, with no prompting by me, print the uamge I wanted on the envelope/ I think I have the sodtware configured correctly but I assume there is a hardware setting I need to change. I can find no YouTube help for this model.


Rising Star

Sounds like your problem is your "small address program."  Have you tried printing envelopes from other programs, like Microsoft Word?

Thaks for the reply. I tried NS Word and it did the envelope as long as I used the manual feed. This would be OK for me on the address progeam as I do nit use it a lot. How do I tell the printer I am using envelopes? Is there a paper settings menu in there? I was hoping Canon had a video/

Rising Star

You can define a paper size/type in the Remote web UI, in Settings/Registration / Paper Settings / Register Custom Paper.  The printer has a myriad of customizable settings, but finding them can be a PITA.  It can also be done directly through the printer driver when printing, by choosing a paper type, and envelopes are usually listed under Paper Handling / Scale to Fit Paper Size / Destination Paper Size.
