P23-DH V Calculator does not stay turned on


I have two new P23-DH V calculators and it is frustrating that the calculator turns off after a few minutes. Is this a setting that can be changed or just something to live with? I purchased two at the same time and both do this so I know it isn't a problem with the calculator. I don't see anything in the manual about it - and I don't recall seeing anything on the specs about it. Has anyone else run across this or am I the lucky one?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello mcalister7353,


When the P23-DH V calculator's power is turned "ON" and the calculator is not being used for approximately 7 minutes, the calculator will switch off automatically.  See "Automatic Power-off" under "Specifications" in the Instructions.  Click HERE to view a PDF version of the Instructions for your P23-DH V.  When you are not actively using your P23-DH V calculator, pressing the CE/C button every 5 to 6 minutes will prevent the unit from turning off.


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This is the worst feature ever for a calculator that is plugged into a power source.  I can understand this feature when calculator is being used in battery mode.


I will be returning it, as I can't be turning it on and off all day.
