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Looking for some help! - Affording Camera Gear as a Disabled Veteran


Good afternoon all! I am a 100% disabled veteran and I was wondering if they are any programs to help veterans get involved in photography.  I have a 14 yo daughter and she enjoys photography and I wanted to start doing it with her so i can start getting out of the house more and  reconnect with her but there is no way I can afford any of the equipment she wants/needs. She has the EOS Rebel T7. I want to get her a better lenes and stuff but it sooo expensive and being that i am on a limited budget it makes it very difficult! So I was looking for any information that could help me out. I would truly appreciate it and thank you and have a good one!



OK #1- absolutely love your screen name, I was in 4/9 inf back in 94-97! Hello brother! 2- I would love to find out the same inquiry. Couple days ago I got tired of looking for organizations that could help us out with photography equipment, I am 100% also. But I am still on the lookout, always, so if I find out anything, I will definitely let you know. If you need anything, give me a shout. I hope you have a safe weekend and peace be with you. 

Thanks for looking out bro! Thank you gor your service! I was in 2/9 inf 07-98. 


Anytime! And thank you for YOUR service. 2/9 was that at Lewis or Korea? Take care and I’ll keep you posted

Camp casey korea Manchu!
