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I"m not able to scan a single negative with my CanoScan 5600F scanner that I just bought.


I'm trying to scan an old black and white negative. Unfortunately, it is not in a strip of six as seems to be indicated in the manual, although it doesn't say specifically it HAS to be a strip of six.


I opened MP Navigator Ex. Following are the settings I used:


Film type: Black and white negative film

Resolution 4800 dpi. I also used 1200 dpi


I put the negative on the far end of the film holder.

I clicked on scan and got the following message at both resolutions:

Cannot scan for these reasons:

-The original may not be set correctly

-The Protective Sheet may be put in place

-The lamp may not be warming up

 (it needs a few minutes for adjusting lamp on low temperature)

Scanner driver will be closed

Code: 2,178,0


I've scanned negatives with another scanner some years ago and never had this trouble. Any suggestions?

Thank you.
