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Horse Racing pics with new equipment

Rising Star

Ok, so today was my second day with my new equipment. So much with 6+ lbs around my neck.

7D Mark II & 70-200mm f 2.8 L IS USM II.


Always learning, but I'm happy from where my ability was 2 months ago to where I am now.


I never thought I could get cool pictures like this.

2 months ago I was only a point and shoot guy in auto mode (that sounds funny) and never tried anything else with the functions.


Now with this stuff, it seems reasonably unlimited with what one can do.




@TTMartin wrote:

@Waddizzle wrote:

@TTMartin wrote:
In this case we are talking about the OP with a 7D Mk II and a EF 70-200 f/2.8L IS II, not someone with a Rebel. 
edit: keep in mind cameras like the 5D Mk III with battery grip, 7D Mk II with battery grip or 1DX Mk II are around 3 lbs themselves. So the camera hanging off lens, or 3 lb lens hanging off camera, there really isn't much difference.

Yup, which is exactly why I use a holster with my 6D w/grip, 1D Mk IV, or my son's 7D Mk II.


To be fair, though, the CoG, Center of Gravity, of the camera is not at as great of a distance from the center line of the mount compared to the CoG of a larger lens.  The camera's weight does not present anywhere near as much torque on the mount when the lens is supporting the camera, compared to the amount of torque when the camera is supporting the lens.

The difference in CG really doesn't come into play as far as stress on the lens mount when the camera is free to pivot on the strap mounting point. At that point the CG of both the camera and the lens combined aligns below the strap mounting point. It is only when you begin to lift the camera with your hand and provide an axial moment that the differences in CG comes into play. 

Unfortunately, you're wrong..  Do a web search for " moment of inertia ".   Math argues against you.


You treat your gear your way, and I will treat my gear my way.  Peace.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."