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High School Wrestling Pics with Canon EOS Rebel T7 EF 75-300mm f4-5.6 III


I NOW know I do not have a good lens but still need help with new camera settings (noted in subject) in taking my sons High School Wrestling Pictures; I am NOT on the floor, I am up in the stands. Low lighting and far away. In case anyone here is familiar with lighting in the venues: USAWKS Districts is at FHSU Gross Memorial Coliseum in Hays, Ks and USAWKS State is at the Expo Center/Stormont Vail in Topeka, Ks.

Must have CONTINUOUS shooting and NO flash and desperately need crisp clear pictures. I have a good eye for shots, so usually no need for cropping.

? Manual, AV, TV, etc. 

Please help me with the following settings:

Shutter Speed (60-4000), Aperture (5.6-45), ISO Speed (Auto, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400), Exposure Comp./AEB Setting (-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5), Flash Exposure Comp. (assuming 0), Picture Style (Auto, Standard, Landscape), White Balance (Auto, 5200K, 7000K, 6000K, 3200K, 4000K), Lighting Optimizer (Off, Low, Standard, High), AF Operation (AI Focus, or AI Servo), Metering Mode (Evaluative Metering, Partial Metering, Center-Weighted Average), Image Quality (6000x4000 jpg A2, 3984x2656 jpg A3, 2976x1984 jpg A4, 1920x1280 2.5 megapixel jpg, 720x480 .35 Megapixel jpg, 6000x4000 RAW+jpg, 6000x4000 RAW) 

ANY help/advice/opinions would be GREATLY appreciated...please keep it positive in feedbacks as I am just a Mom trying my best to keep up with my 3 kiddos; My son just WON KSHSAA District and State Wrestling and I was unaware I didn't have a good quality lens until I saw the blurry pictures (even though what I saw through the lens looked GREAT)....ugh...I literally almost cried over this, thankfully a family member used their iPhone and got a decent video....but no still pictures.

In short, I need to work with what I have at this time, to the best of its ability, so looking for problem solving knowledge here and maybe what I need to plan ahead/save up to add to this purchase to get better quality pictures specifically catered to High School WRESTLING.

Thank you sooo much in advance for taking the time to read and look into this with me - I greatly appreciate any and all help.
