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How do I prepare my 7D for extreme cold temperatures (South Pole -40 F)


My son is taking my 7D with him on his attempt to be the first to bike to the South Pole.  What do I need to do to prepare the 7D for extreme cold?


Friday is the day Daniel begins his adventure (flight to Chile).


Here is an excellent article on "What camera to take to  Antarctica

Update on the Trip:


For those who want follow Daniel's attempt to be the first to bike to the South Pole.  I will post pictures as he sends them back by phone.

To my amazement he has made it


I hope you'll let us know how the camera equipment did.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

WOW!  That's amazing!


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

He called and said he is taking lots of pictures but will wait until he gets to Chile or home to publish them (right now he has limited sat phone time).  At the South Pole it was -23 to -30C with a wind chill factor around -45C.  Very cold.   I have an interesting story about him running out of food and getting lost just before getting to the Pole and a girl (Hannah) bringing him food. (She may have saved his life!)  She also brought a bottle of Coke which he warmed up and put in his parka.  It was still "warm" when he took it out to open, but turned to "slush" just as he opened it.  (Can you see a super bowl commercial here?).  


Anyway, I really want to thank every one for all the advice we got!  I will post again as soon as Daniel gets home with the pictures and we can talk about his camera use. 


I also found the best information on cameras and cold weather.  Here is the link.  You may have to resister before you can read it.


Thanks again to everyone and I'll post details when I get them.



Here are a couple of his posts as he got close to the pole and then at the pole.


Jan 21 -- It is COLD here!

Hannah gave me a bottle of coke with the food she brought yesterday. I warmed it up before I started this morning and then packed it in the middle of my parka. It was still warm when I got it out, but before I could unscrew the lid it turned to slush. Almost like the liquid nitrogen tricks. It is COLD here.
I'm sure I'll miss people, but I'll try to recognize everyone as soon as I can. For now--
Thanks to my family for their love, patience and support!
Super big thank you to all the guys who've run my bike store while I've been gone: Jake, Greg, John, Joel, Steve, Ron, Myron
Thank you to everyone who donated to my expedition at (link removed)
A special shout out to all of my sponsors! Please support them if you can--and let your friends and neighbors know about them, too.

(links removed)
Posts from Antarctica sent using an Iridium phone and RedPort Optimizer from the (link removed)
Jan 21 -- I'M AT THE SOUTH POLE!!!!!!!
South 90 degrees 00.000

The South Pole station came into view when I was about 13 nautical miles away. When I saw it, I was so overcome with joy! I called home to my wife and lost all control of my emotions. The black dots on the horizon were the most wonderful thing I have ever seen. It was starting to feel like I would never make it.

I am now at the pole and have set up camp. I need to find where they cached my clean clothes and other items. I made a quick visit to the actual pole marker, but will go back later and bike around the pole to the song Around the World after I get all my batteries charged. I am so happy to have finally finished biking to the pole, going the full distance, 100% by riding my bike. (link removed)
Monday, January 20, 2014
Posts from Antarctica sent using an Iridium phone and RedPort Optimizer from the (link removed)
Jan 20 -- Dumb Dan, But HUGE Thanks Hannah!!
South 89 degrees 44.070 West 076 degrees 5.711 Elevation 9,179 ft 7.5 nm
18.3 statute miles remaining

I've done a few dumb things. First, early in the expedition I had extra food, so at the halfway resupply, I sent a lot of food back to base camp. Then at the three-quarter resupply, I went through my food and fuel as fast as I could to reduce my weight. I thought I would be done a week ago. I had some extra food in case I didn't make it as soon as I thought. Well, this morning I ate my remaining food. Part of the problem I've had the past couple of days is I didn't have enough food to keep my pace.

The next dumb thing that I did was to follow some truck track until it took me over six miles off course. I then headed toward my next way point which is at the start of the corridor that you have to use to go to the pole. That was a good choice, but this morning I made another bad choice and decided to return to my planned route. This meant going west three miles, but the corridor is east of where I was, so this was a bit of going the wrong direction. I was hoping that it would be worth going the wrong direction if I could get back on the track left by the arctic trucks. But when I reached my planned route there were no tracks. I then continued on the planned route, but by then I was tired and out of strength.

Then the famous Hannah from ALE (who has held the record for the fastest solo unsupported ski trip to the South Pole) showed up with a bunch of food--candy, cookies, sandwiches, and chocolate bars. I needed to go through the new supplies and eat some, so I set up my tent (link removed). Once I did that, then I had to dry out all of my gear (link removed) before I could go again, or else with how cold it is, I would freeze to death. So I got some sleep while things dried out.

I have to call in to the base camp and let them know I am okay at 9:40 p.m. (Chilean time) each day. Failing to call in can trigger a search and rescue operation, and of course I don't want to do that. So after the call in, I will pack up my tent and get going again. With fewer than 20 miles to go, Hannah's tracks to follow, and candy and trail mix to keep my energy up, I should be able to finish biking through the night and into tomorrow. My plan is to keep going until I get to the Pole, so my next blog entry should be at the South Pole.

Feeling good about my odds of finishing the first real bicycle riding expedition to the South Pole tomorrow. However, keep following these posts, as I will be adding some pictures and have a few things to announce, like a return party and, of course, more details on the South Pole Epic Youth Project that I am setting up to help fight obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Thanks for following me as I ride my bike to the South Pole. Remember to get out and be active.

I tried to visit the blog at least once a week to see how it went & what it took to stay focused. I had read about the Coke


As a side note it's that cold right here in Ottawa this week too. Actual temp when I got up yesterday was -29 C & it's expected to be that cold or lower tonight. Wind chills in the -40 C or worse. I know this cold spell has been pushing far to the south because I leave for Cozumel next week for some diving & it's been as showing lows between 54 F & 57 F when I check one of the Cozumel forums in the morning.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Hope you have a good dive trip.  Perhaps by the time you get back we will have some pictures to show and a great story to tell.


