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EOS Webcam Utility Pro Not Detecting Camera


I'm having problems with the webcam utility. I used it last week to stream on Twitch with no issues, but today the webcam utility isn't detecting my camera at all. The USB icon with a red X that usually appears when a camera is not connected is notably missing.


Screenshot (15).png


So I tried opening EOS Webcam Utility Pro to see if I had to adjust a setting within the program, and it just won't open. Attempting to open it creates multiple processes but it never manages to opens a window. 


Screenshot (16).png


The last thing I tried was uninstalling and reinstalling all Canon software on my pc, including drivers, but it still isn't working. I'm frustrated and out of ideas at this point. Any help would be appreciated!


For reference, I'm using a Rebel SL2 on Windows 11 in Twitch Studio, the EOS Utility remote shooting works just fine, and my camera shows up in the file explorer just fine.



Canon should be pay attention to this, it made someone lost their career sometime for meetings .

i had same problem, and im pretty sure the driver is the problem

for people who just told remind EOS Utility running on background, im so freakin tired to watch all those comments, i mean there's another solution ? but please the problem does'nt simple as that .

i tried to whacking device manager camera driver to update, roll back, even uninstall driver until the root . so it more new clean system setting, but the result is dissapointing

even i bought new cable, there's no work . and what cable i used from start is fresh originally from Canon

my firmware also updated to newest what it comes from community

earlier i disable and enable camera drivers in device manager, it work surprisingly for couple times. but until this problem happend to me . everything changed , it do not simple as that again .

il repeat again, so for people who just remind to quit EOS Utility, better shut and come with new solution, cause i fight this problem for 3 days in a row to fix it without result

i never changed or customized settings bla bla bla until the problem comes, so it come suddenly

Thankyou Canon, Appreciate your work.

If you're having trouble, please call support at 1-800-OK-CANON so that our team can help you determine why. Tech support is available weekdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (ET). 


I have the same problem. Camera stopped working all of a sudden. It is probably caused by a Mac OS system update related with the security/privacy setting.

The issue should be resolved immediately on Canon side.


Hello, @khydrain! 

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