suggest me canon camera for music vedio shoot professional.

I want to shoot Professional vedio and it Will run on television So kindly suggest any canon camera. Thanks

If you _really_ want pro level gear for video, then you would want to look at the Cinema EOS line... but it's very expensive gear.


In the non-cinema gear, the 70D is very impressive because of it's ability to track focus. It's the only DSLR that can do phase-detect auto-focus on the camera sensor. Contrast-detect focus has to "guess" it's way into focus and when something is out of focus, it's not quite sure if the focus is too close vs. too far and by how much... so it "hunts" for focus. Phase-detect, on the other hand, actually knows which direction to go to achieve correct focus and it also knows how far it needs to go. It typically just moves right to the correct focus distance with no guessing (no focus-hunt showing up in your video). The only way to have better control is to turn off auto-focus and do everything manually (which most pros do anyway).

The 70D also allows for manual audio gain control (most cameras are auto-gain) -- but in pro video the audio typically is recorded separately and then merged in post production so that may not be a big deal.

Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da