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on the 7D is it better to shoot 1280x720 or 640x480


canon 7D



Are you asking about movie mode settings?  


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

yes, thank you


Hi ceilgoldbach!


Thank you for posting!


It will depend on what you are trying to do with the video.  The 640 x 480 resolution is the lowest quality, but it is small in size and can be sent around over e-mail and uploaded to the web much easier.  If you are looking for the better quality video, I would shoot 1280 x 720.


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640 x 480 matches the resolution of an NTSC TV (the resolution of TV's _before_ they invented HD TVs.)  This is also the resolution of a standard "DVD" movie.


1280x720 is the resolution of a 720P HD.  If you own an HD tv and wanted to play back the movie on the TV then this would provide the best looking image.  A DVD cannot handle this resolution (although a BluRay disk can).  

If uncertain, you can always record in the higher resolution (1280x720) and then reduce the resolution later using video editing software on your computer.  Video hosting sites such as YouTube can handle the higher resolution.


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

thank you

