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Upgrading from 60D to full frame on a budget for food photography

Hi all, it is my first post in this rich forum full of great information.
I am planning to upgrade from my 60D to a full frame but with limited budget, It will be mainly for food photography and I was think of the 5D mark 3, currently I use my 60D with a 50mm 1.8 with my indoor setup of softbox and reflectors.
Is it good choice or you guys can advice me on another models that are in the same price range.
I always use artificial lighting and tripod in my food shooting.
Thank you in advance.


A full frame DSLR would be nice, but I don't see where it would gain you much over your current 60D.  You're shooting from a tripod with complete control over lighting.  If you're shooting at ISO 100 with the 60D, you won't see a difference shooting at ISO 100 with a 5D3.  


The single biggest difference you will see with a 5D3 will be a wider angle of view.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thank you for your reply, I feel that with my 60D paired with the 50mm I am limited to having shots of single dish or max of 2, I am looking for being able to shoot table full of dishes and other objects to complete the whole frame, photos are used mainly for Instagram and restaurants menus.

Sounds like you may be better off investing in a second lens.  Perhaps a 24 mm.  While not cheap, there's the EF 24mm f/1.4 L that would give you slightly better low-light performance than what you have with the 50mm.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

I was always wandering what will be my binift of upgrading to full frame, I almost use my gear 100% for food photography only, few times for portrait. I also thought of inviting in a lens instead of a FF, I was never able to take a decision specially that a good lens might cost same or more than a used FF body.