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T4i Video time limitations and wedding videography: any solution?


After 20 years out of the business I am considering restarting a wedding and event videography business. Based on the recommendation of a professional film and television editor, I would like to purchase T4i's (x3) and use them as my shooting platform.


Unfortunately, the 22 minute limit on shooting video has me worried. As you know, a ceremony can last much longer. It was my intention to use two cameras in stationary and one hand-held. I can operate the hand-held of course, but the stationaries might be another problem all together, especially if one or both are positioned in such a way that approaching them during the ceremony would be problematic.


In reading about the RC-6 remote, I see it is infrared only and appears to only operate shutter/bulb release. Does anyone know of a wireless remote, more capable than the RC-6, that would operate this camera? Also, does anyone know of a...ahem 'software' solution to this problem?





There are non-Canon radio-based triggers.  They connect to the shutter release port on the camera body via a 2.5mm cord.  I use this configuration to trigger multiple cameras from pretty far away remotely.  If this is interesting to you, I can see if I can trigger my 60D to start filming a video later today.

I checked with no success.  Using the setup I described above when the camera was in video mode took a still photo.  Maybe you can control the video start/stop with USB cables (over wireless?) but I'm going beyond my own experience here.

I appreciate the effort and taking time to reply!



The maximum clip size on the EOS Rebel T4i would be 29 minutes 59 seconds or 4GB file size.  So you might be able to record a little longer that you thought.  Unfortunately at this time we don't have a remote accessory for triggering video shooting.  If you had multiple cameras setup to capture different angles at different times you may be able to work around it.  Another option is to use a small, dedicated HD camcorder, like one of our Vixia models, to record the actual ceremony. 

We wish you the best of luck with your new business.

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heh...I'm getting more confused by the moment!


First, thanks for the reply, Tim. Secondly, this is a quote from Canon's specs on the camera (which can be found at: )


Continuous Shooting Time
[1920 x 1080]

30 fps: Approx. 22 min.

25 fps: Approx. 22 min.

24 fps: Approx. 22 min.



I am aware of the WTO's/EU tarriff obligations on DSLR's and the 30 minute rule (which I hope will soon go the way of the carrier pigeon), but it appears that Canon dropped the recording time to 22 minutes. Regardless, 22 minutes or 30 minutes, it still means a limitation.


Finally, I have asked about the RS-6 remote and have been told by a representative of B&H Photo that it will operate the camera while in video mode. That solves one of the problems, but the LOS issue is still a sticking point. I'll continue to work towards a solution. Where there's a will, there's a way (sometimes).


Thanks again.



The limit is either 29 minutes 59 seconds or 4GB.  Shooting Full HD video uses a lot of data, so it will almost always hit the 4GB limit before it ever gets to 29 minutes 59 seconds.  4GB is about 22 minutes of recording time in Full-HD with the EOS Rebel T4i, so it is listed as 22 minutes in the specifications.


If this is a time sensitive-matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.





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i got more than that and I am using it then.