T3i just ceased playing back audio on board


T3i just stopped playing audio on board camera. There is audio on the recording when transferred. We have reset the camera to defaults. We have switched batteries, cards. Any other ideas? It's hard to think we blew the speaker - it doesn't play back that loud to begin with.


Camera is 9 mos old. 


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Churchkeys,


During playback, use the Main Dial (right behind the Shutter Button) to adjust the volume.


If this doesn't work, unfortunately,  your camera will require repair.  To set up a repair for your camera, please click here.

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I guess I should state that we do know where the volume control is located. We are getting nothing. I thought maybe there was a mute we activated somewhere on accident buried in the menu? It does not make sense that playing back normal audio would blow the speaker all of a sudden.

Hi Churchkeys,


Regrettably, there is no mute function on this camera.

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Thanks for the help. I guess we are in for a little repairs.
