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Shooting problem

Hi Mates! I have a Canon Rebel EOS T6i seance one month and half. I’m the first owner so it’s brand new. By the date I have take around 1000 pictures. My problem is that just after I turn it on it shuts a picture, (without me pressing the shuter) or several if is set as “Continious shooting” after that, everithing works just normal. Then I press 1/2 the shuter, it focus and bip the focus, but when I press the shooter more to take the picture, nothing hapend. The only way I can shoot is throught the LSC monitor with the touching system.
I will be very happy if you guys can share some of your wisdom because I’m new on this and don’t know what to do!
Thank you!


It sounds like one of the multiple exposure modes could be enabled, and the option to clear the shooting mode at the end of the multi-shot sequence could be disabled.

The simplest thing to do is probably resetting the camera back to factory defaults.  This can be done in the menus.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Hi Waddizzle! Thank you very much for your answer!
I try to desable the settings you mention, and reset the camera back to factory settings but the problem remains. Looks like is time to use the warranty.