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EOS 90D Uncomfortable using left eye on viewfinder


Right Handed Left Eye

Hi guys

Just had my annual eye check and discussed my photographic with my optician. Dismissed contact lenses.

Then he asked me which eye I use for the view finder because my left eye is much stronger. So, when I got home I tried it, and it feels really strange with the left eye.

Im not sure I'll be pursuing this left eye technique. But it made me realised how my EOS90D seems to favour right handed, right eyed people. Or is it my right handed bias?

Ramsden (UK based)



I use my left eye and I’m left handed. Actually I’m more like left-dominant ambidextrous as I can write with both hands simultaneously - even different words with each hand, but I don’t instinctively know my left from right. 

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

Hi Brian 

Thats interesting. My son is also ambidextrous and put his camera to his left eye also. Its not something I ever thought about - but I feel the basic camera is designed for right handed people with the shutter button and controls mainly on that side.



Yes, many products seem as if they were designed exclusively for right handed people. I am also ambidextrous and shoot with my left eye.

A good example of the right handed world is your computer keyboard, which is derived from a mechanical typewriter.  They put the [Return] key on the right side, as well as carriage return lever.  

These eccentricities have carried over into computers. They put numerical keypads on the right side. 

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


I am right handed, and am no where near ambidextrous in any way at all.  When I hold up a camera, using the left eye simply feels natural with the camera being held in my right hand.  It seems balanced? (for lack of a better term).  My eyes are equal as far as vision according to my Optometrist, so that's not the reason.  

So reading your post I had to grab a nearby camera and hold it up to my right eye.  It feels wrong in every way.  I guess what I am getting at is I agree that cameras are made more for right handed people.  I think the viewfinder must be set pretty equal for either eye considering the placement is dead center.


Digital: (Listing Canon only): R6 Mk ll, R8, RP Film: Too many to list



My EOS90D measures 5 1/2 inches across the back. And the centre of the eye piece 2: 1/8th of an inch from the left. 90% of the controls are on tht right including the built in grip. An ergonomist might say its designed to go to the left eye, looking at that layout.

I'll just carry on as 'normal' 



Carry on as normal is right... it boils down to whatever is natural for any of us.  

My comment of the viewfinder being centered was off I guess.  I was thinking centered over the screen.  Hey, I was kind of right - lol.

I got to thinking about eye dominance, which obviously is different for all of us, and not always based on which eye has better vision, or which hand is dominant.  I was a Commercial Construction Foreman for 23 years of my career.  Any time I had to inspect and/or visually line something up for level or plumb, it was always with my left eye - I could not do it with my right.  Occasionally I would get teased by my team about being right handed, and left eye dominant.  The guys would suggest that maybe I was dropped on my head as an infant.  So either they were correct... or there is no connection between hand and eye dominance.  I'm hoping it was the latter of the two.  😄 


Digital: (Listing Canon only): R6 Mk ll, R8, RP Film: Too many to list

I would think that the designers at Canon used a human being, at some point, when they were designing this, and other cameras. I suppose I should make a reference to AI - but ....

My mothers maiden name was Ramsden - left handed; Grandad Ramsden, left handed and my younger brother - hence my interest in the subject.
