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Removing Overlays for HDMI livestreaming EOS Rebel T5


Hello there, I am in need of help. I am having a problem removing all the overlays for live streaming. The overlay I cannot seem to remove is the Frames per second information as well as a timer. The program I am using for live streaming is VMIX and I can zoom in to remove the resolution frame but I just cannot seem to figure out how to remove the FPS information. Anyone have any tips or is this camera not able to have a clean output? Thank you for your time.


Have you tried to contact the developers of VMIX about this?
in Davie, FL

Hi Sir, Thank you for your quick reply. The overlays I am talking about are in the camera features themselves. For instance like the red dot and the word record flashing on the camera screen. I have everything removed except what is displayed in the photo attached. (picture zoomed out and blurry on purpose) This is what the stream would have on it if it were info.jpg

There probably isn't a way to clear it out.  The T5 was the bottom of the entry level camera when it was released.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thank you so much. I was honestly thinking you would say that. Too bad. I am still hopeful and maybe canon will make it stream capable soon...or something

@hshuler86 wrote:
Thank you so much. I was honestly thinking you would say that. Too bad. I am still hopeful and maybe canon will make it stream capable soon...or something

Don't hold your breathe.  The T5 has been superseded with newer cameras at least twice. 



"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thank you for your time😊


You can remove all overlays with MagicLantern. I have my rebel t5 setup for streaming with the kit 18-55, a dummy battery, a $15 video capture stick (knockoff camlink. Works just like a webcam. I set everything to automatic for when I have different lights on/off and then just manually focused where I'll usually be sitting.


PS. I hyperlinked everything that I'm using minus the desk mount which is just a tripod upright inside of my monitor stand. They're not affiliate links so I don't actually benefit in any way from linking them!


Hope this helps,




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Hi @Danny, canon removed the link. You can share the title or part of the content to search for it by Google.