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R7/R10 vs an M5 upgrade


Just curious to see why Canon chose to introduce the R7/R10 series and the RF-S lens rather than  improving on the M5 line and the M lenses? I love the form factor of the M5 for travel, and obviously the R series has newer technology but Canon has shown they can make an APS-C the size of an M, all they need to do is put some more tech (like IBIS) into the M and give it some faster lenses and they would have the ultimate travel camera. The R7/R10 and the RF-S seem like they are competing for a similar market. I’ve got nothing against the R series, in fact, just got back from dragging my 20 lb R kit all over Europe, but if I were shooting APS-C instead of full frame, would much rather have an M series size (but updated features) rather than an R series size kit. Just my two cents wondering why Canon would sabotage their own M line and have to introduce a whole new lens line RF-S in the process.


Exactly the reason I have an M5. Great shots!
