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R6 auto ISO problem


I usually have my R6 set with Auto ISO on and locked, and I shoot in TV or Aperture mode.  I've noticed on several occasions that when I look through the viewfinder to frame a shot, the view is washed out because the Auto ISO is high, e.g. 25600, even though the weather is bright and sunny. The setting will be stuck at that level and I have to turn the camera off and back on.  This usually happens when I haven't taken a shot for several minutes, typically when the camera has been sitting besides me on the car seat.

What would cause the Auto ISO to jump to an inordinately high level when idle?





So, I've found what I guess is the "correct" solution to my problem 3) in this post, rather than using solution a). If you go to the C.Fn1 settings (orange tab with a camera with dots below), there is a setting "Speed from metering/ISO Auto". If you select "Retain speed after metering" this corrects the problem I described.
