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Pictures are only noise, with horizontal band of gray


Hi folks, I apologize if this has already been answered somewhere. I did look.


My problem is that my photos conist of what i can only describe as white/pink noise pcasssionally crossed horzonally by a band of gray. It doesn't seem to matter what setting I use. When I swtich to video, I get thin vertical lines of alternating black and white. My camera has not suffered any trauma and has not been in a dusty or otherwise hostile environment. When not in use, I keep it in a case. 


I have cleaned the lens and camera body contacts, used the camera to clean the sensor and have reformated my card.


Yesterday, my Canon 70D started displaying an error message and then died. Alas, I did not make note of any identifying numbers because I assumed it was a problem with the pop-up flash. In the past, I have had a problem with it hiting the bill of my cap. The camera died just as these problems started happening.  I assumed the battery was the issue. I charged the battery this morning and it fired right up. Everything otherwise seems to work fine.


I do not have another lens to test mine, but I can clearly see the image I am trying to take through the view finder and the lens seems to be communicating its settings accurately to the camera display. 


I suppose I will have to send my camera in to be repaired, but wanted to check first with knowledgle people to make sure there isn't a simple fix. Thank you for any help you can provide. I have tried to include a photo. If successful, it will apear below. It apears to be much more pink than what I see on the camera, if that matters at all.





I have yet to hear someone complain of a camera failure after a repair for similar issues.   I suspect that they may have a redesigned main PCB.

I'm pretty sure we've had people complain that they've had to have the board replacement done more than once. The most likely situation is that Canon began by simply replacing the board with an identical copy, but later came up with a more robust version.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

I, too, have seen reports of some follks repairing their cameras more than once. My hope is that the replacement this time will be more robust, although the support folks maintain it will be OEM. We will see. I am very curious. Also, since this is my only DSLR camera body, I am psyched to be able to take pictures again starting tomorrow. 

Update: camera repair notes say my circut board was replaced. The notes also say, and this was a surprise, that its image senor was outside of standard postion, therefore mechanical and electrical adjustments had to be made. Not sure why it wouldn't have been in the correct position. i have a vague notion that it can be adjusted, but have never done so. 
