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Photos from EOS 70D won't Auto-Blend


Hello!  Thank you in advance for reading this.


I have just began using a EOS 70D. I have it with these settings:  Color Profile: Adobe RGB, RAW, and I am using the Live Preview to touch the screen to try to do stacking.


Previously, I had been using T2i and using manual focus to create images for stacking and was excited to touch the screen to select the focus.


However....  I cannot get the images to auto-blend in Photoshop.  I did a test yesterday between the camera. I did manual focus on my old camera and the live preview on the newer camera. I changed the color profiles to be the same and both shot in RAW.  


The images will align just fine but when I select auto-blend the result is awful. I have tried it all the different ways - Photomerge, stacking, etc. and I get the same result. Because this works fine with my older camera I am assuming it must be a setting in my camera (I am hoping).  I have reset preferences in Photoshop CC (Latest version) and am at the end of my rope trying to make this work. I have attached a result that shows what happens when I select Auto-Blend. I have created some beautiful images with my old camera but was really looking forward to using Live View with this newer one.daisystack.jpg


If anyone has any insight I would appreciate it. Because I have tested this with two cameras I do not believe it is something in Photoshop but I could be wrong (no one in a photoshop forum could help).  


