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New 6DMK2 with dirt on sensor-need advice


Hi all, new member here.

Last fall I purchased a new 6DMK2 after many years of owning a great T3i. I wanted to try full frame so I got the 6DMK2 +  24-105 F/4 lens kit from B&H. It sat for weeks because of both my wife's and my health issues. I finally got around to unboxing and taking a few pics just to try it out. In a pic of the blue sky, I saw what appears to be dirt on the sensor (see pic below). It definately is on the sensor and not the lens as switching to my other lenses showed the spot to be in the same place on the pics. I read that while unusual, a new camera with a piece of dust on the sensor does happen but I was disappointed to find it on my new camera. Also I am very careful when changing lenses for this very reason. After reading on the internet, I purchased a bulb air blaster and tried dislodging the dirt from the sensor but was unsucessful. At this point, I can try to manually clean the sensor or send it in to Canon. If possible, I would like to try cleaning the sensor myself as I don't really want to send it off to Canon if possible. So I am asking what would you long time photographers do in my case? Can a sensor be cleaned at home without damaging it if done correctly?

Thanks, Charles





I want to thank everyone for their responses. I looked up Canon's service to clean the sensor and they show $49.00 to do it ( Being Sunday today, I did not call to find out if this would be covered under warranty however.

I realy didn't want to box/ship it in if I could clean it myself. I learned from Tim Campbell's write up above that there is actually glass filters in front of the sensor, this is something I did not know. So I would not be actually touching the sensor itself. At this point I am willing to try an antistatic brush (which I just ordered) and try the dry method Tim mentions. I think it is just a stubborn piece of dust that is defying my bulb air blaster and just needs some encouragement. If that fails I'll send it in. I want to thank everyone for their responses, great forum! Charles

Just a quick update. I was able to dislodge the piece of dirt using a static brush that Tim Campbell mentioned. Thanks to Tim and all who replied. Charles

@FM3AAR wrote:
Just a quick update. I was able to dislodge the piece of dirt using a static brush that Tim Campbell mentioned. Thanks to Tim and all who replied. Charles

No insult intended.  But, you got lucky.  Seriously.  BTW, where did the piece of dirt go?  I hope it fell out of the body.

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