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Lp-E8 battery and charger question



Hello friends....After using and LOVING my Eos Rebel T3i for 3 1/2 years, and about 25,000 shots....I got the dreaded "Error 30" message last week at the worst time---family vacation.  I purchased a new T5i body a few days ago and was wondering if it is safe OR advisable to use my 3 1/2 year old LP-E8 battery and charger in this new body since both cameras use the same battery.  The battery I have now has never had any problems. 


I certainly don't want to take ANY chances if using this same battery is in any way unadvisable?  I am on a very strict budget and so quick answers would be truly appreciated! 



Batteries do not have an unlimited life cycle.  They all fail after a few years.  The old one make work for a period of time, but it is likely past its' prime.  Purchase a Canon battery, if at all possible.  There are issues with some third party batteries, especially counterfeits.


BTW, not to be nosy, but why did you buy a T5i body that did not come with a genuine Canon charger, battery, neck strap, etc.?  Your issue should not even be an issue.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I am on a very tight budget as I am disabled,. In looking on the Internet, I saw several "camera bodies" that came only as the body and did not include the battery and charger as well. If they did include those, they seemed to be MUCH MORE than buying a new charger and battery by themselves. I bought it from a national company in business for 50 years, they say, and it was sold as "new". It had better be. Thanks for the concern. I hope I have not made a mistake in buying the body alone.