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How do I transfer CR2 files to tablet using wifi and Camera Connect?


Hi everyone.


I am using Camera Connect app and can view my files just fine. They are all taken as CR2. When I downloaded one (and finally discovered where it was) I found it is a jpg, not a raw file.


How do I get it to download a raw file? I see no mention of that in the app settings. Just the 'resize' option mentions that it is only used for jpg downloads.


Also it would be helpful to be given an option of where to download, but that is not as critical as having the raw file.






You aren't missing anything. You can transfer the files directly from the camera to the tablet or phone when it's connected by a wire to the camera (no need for a card reader). If you do it wirelessly then you only get the jpg previews generated by the camera.


You can then edit the raw files. You can see on the tablet which files you want to download and then bring them in. It's been ages since I did it, but it worked fine. I don't do it now because it doesn't seem worth while for the hassle and I'm usually just as close to the laptop as I would be to transfer it to the device by wire. But you might find that taking a tablet on location is a lot easier than lugging a laptop with you.







Disappointing. But I very much appreciate you providing clarity. Thanks again. 


Hello, I've a Canon 70D and now i'm trying to get a way to transfer RAW files to an android device throug wifi direct. Until now I didn't find a way to do it. I'm able to connect to eos utility for android and download a resized jpeg image, but not the raw. Is there a way, with canon or 3rd party software to do it just using wifi direct? Thanks

I found a way to have them wireless transferred on the tablet, by leveraging cloud so it is far from having good performance but it allow me to have files moved where I want.
I upload the RAW straight from camera to service, I also I configured the automatic gdrive copy in the service profile from the web-GUI using the same google account of the tablet.
Doing so I can first upload .CR2 files from the camera and then I can find those from gdrive on the tablet.
