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How do I reset a T4i back to factory spec



By reading & following the instructions on page 210 of the owner's manual.


"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."


Not dumb GUI reset



Know thy CLI



Cicopo is right! If following ALL of the procedures outlined on page 210 of the manual (located HERE) do not produce the desired results, then your camera might need to be seen by one of our Factory Service Center technicians. 


You can setup a repair online HERE


Or if you like, you can speak with our technical support team by email or phone by clicking HERE


We hope that helps!

Thank you for the advice but the terminology is lacking.


Settings reset is not a true factory reset. If there was a hot key or advanced user factory reset, not settings reset, then we would not have to "send it in" for canons buggy software code like a change bit being off with HDMI display etc.


Please don't tell me your sorry I feel this way.

I am not disgruntled, just trying to get people in line with the proper terminology as it compliments everyone's verbal toolset when speaking technically.






We apologize if there was any  misunderstanding. If you look at page 210, there is no reference to a Factory Reset.  The procedure we have in place for this situation is  "Reverting the Camera to the Default Settings," which the recommended initial troubleshooting for many common issues. Canon does not release deeply technical data to the public for several reasons, the primary being that this information is proprietary and protected under intellectual property law.  


We hope you understand.

