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How do I recover the canon 6D wifi password from the camera I need to connect to a different iphone


How do I recover the canon 6D wifi password from the camera?  I need to connect to a different iphone/iPad.



I will check it out and let you know.

I believe I tried that when I was trying everything a week or 2 ago.


Canon can shove their head up their backside. Once again, the most simple things are completely complicated. The help you get is completely wrong. They give completely wrong instructions in their manuals too. Try to find YOUR password on YOUR camera is next to impossable?. I hear Canon may call it the encryption  code. Even if you could get to that screen they then call password encription. Canonn is totally F $%ked and I would like to take the 10s of thousands of dollars in equipment I bought from them up their A$$.Go to he!! Canon!!!

@Paulsp wrote:

Canon can shove their head up their backside. Once again, the most simple things are completely complicated. The help you get is completely wrong. They give completely wrong instructions in their manuals too. Try to find YOUR password on YOUR camera is next to impossable?. I hear Canon may call it the encryption  code. Even if you could get to that screen they then call password encription. Canonn is totally F $%ked and I would like to take the 10s of thousands of dollars in equipment I bought from them up their A$$.Go to he!! Canon!!!

For all of its general uselessness, that rant does accomplish one thing: It exposes, for all to see, how little you know about wi-fi.  Smiley Wink

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA