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Error Message 20 5D11

Owned 5D11 two years, performance great. Turned Camera on a few days ago and received error message 20, followed al l known procedures like turn on/off again , remove Battery replaced with fully charged one, but still continue to receive error message, any suggestions


Owned 5D11 two years, performance great. Turned Camera on a few days ago and received error message 20, followed al l known procedures like turn on/off again , remove Battery replaced with fully charged one, but still continue to receive error message, any suggestions.

The procedure calls for removing the battery and lens for 20 minutes then put them back and press the shutter button.  Another procedure is to format the CF card, then replace a CF card.  The third is to clean the contacts.   If problem persists with these, you need to send it in for repair.

Diverhank's photos on Flickr

Someone on another forum was able to fix his 5D Mk II Error 20 by doing a total "Reboot".


1. Turn camera off.

2. Remove both the main (rechargeable) battery(ies) and the small silver memory battery. You'll need a precision cross-point screwdriver to get to memory battery. In the 5DII it's on the lefthand side, partially covered by the rubber socket covers, near the bottom. Remove the screw, then slide out the battery. 
3. With all the batteries out, turn the camera back on.
4. Press the shutter release button once. The camera won't fire, but this will drain all the remaining power in the camera.
5. Turn off the camera.
6. Reinstall the batteries.
7. Turn on camera, go into the menu. Check the time/date. It should need to be reset, if you got a proper "reboot" of the camera.
8. If not, repeat the process steps 1 through 7. If you wish, instead of turning the camera on and pressing the shutter release, you can just turn it on and let it sit for an hour or more. That also should fully drain any remaining power. Then repeat steps 5 through 7.
9. If you can't get the camera to "reboot" properly, try leaving the batteries out an even longer time, such as overnight. If you still can't get it to "reboot", you may have to send it to Canon.

Mike Sowsun

Thanks for quick answers, diverhank tried your suggestions but to no avail, Mike followed your method as written and worked fine, Rebooted and at this stage all appears great. I feel that Error 20 is covering a lot of sins over most models and responsibility is too easily thrown away with a 12 month Warranty .