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EOS Rebel T6i Images show black area and sometimes white area


I have a Canon Rebel T6i and I have taken probably over 50,000 images with it.  I use it on sport mode a lot because I am taking sporting pictures.  On Saturday I was taking pictures and about 3600 pictures in I got the view attached.  My battery was low so I changed it with no difference.  I also switched out lenses just in case something was on it.  No change.  Is this repairable?  I am currently trying to contact a repair shop. White area at top, photo cut off by black areaWhite area at top, photo cut off by black area



Probably a dead shutter or some think like some loose foam in the mirror box. You could try to use the "sensor cleaning" menu option and see if there is something obvious amiss.

In any case, it needs to be repaired, or replaced.



Thank you so much. I will try the cleaning first but also get it in for repair. 

I should have been more clear. A cleaning will not solve this issue. You can use the cleaning menu option to look inside the mirrorbox and see if there is anything out of place.


Yeah, nothing happened as you said but in reality it only took some electrons, tiny bit of time, and a sense of satisfaction that I had tried something so in the end all was good!  🙂  Thanks again.
