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EOS Rebel T6 Battery door needed


I broke my camera door off and cannot find it. I would like to replace it. I have a Canon Rebel camera. It is an older model but still works great for my grandkids events. I have ordered several off Amazon and none of them have been a match. If you could help me with info to help refine my search and find the right one I will be grateful. 
Thank you. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg



Hey there!

I'm pretty sure this is the EOS Rebel T6. 

Give support a call at 800-652-2666. They can go over your options with you. 

Thank you. I did call support, repairs, etc… with Canon and they told me they could not help me because my camera was no longer in their catalog. 

I am going to refine my search with T6 now and see if I can find one. I really appreciate your help I will let you know when I get it. 

Please give them a call and tell them you were mistaken, you think it's a Rebel T6, not an original Rebel. Your camera is black, not silver. (The original digital Rebel with no model after it was silver).

(image taken from the Internet)

I will ! Thank you so much!
