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EOS 2000D battery drains while camera is off



I bought my EOS 2000D 7months ago and it has now began graining its battery while off. The battery is the one I got in the bow and I still have the same lens.

Any recommendations?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Sim1811,

It is normal for the camera to pull some charge from the battery while it is powered off. That helps the camera retain your settings. The amount that it pulls from the battery to save your settings is small.

If your battery is losing most or all of its charge in one night that is a sign there is an issue with the camera or the battery. We would recommend loading a different battery in the camera to see if the same thing happens. If the issue continues we would recommend sending the camera in for repair.

I don't have a spare battery, so I can't try another one. This issue popped up litterally in a day, so I doubt it's the battery. Could it be a setting inside the camera?


Switch the camera to P mode on the top dial.  Go into the menu system and reset the camera back to factory defaults.  Before you do that, check to see if Wi-Fi is enabled.  Always keep it disabled if you are not using the camera.  

Finally, make sure the power switch is turned to OFF.  When the camera goes to sleep, it is not really turned off.

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