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DSLR 101


Here is a sample of RAW and how it can help make your photos better. 



Normal RAW exposure.




Normal exposure jpg.  They look pretty close because you are looking at a computer monitor.  The RAW has been converted to jpg in post.  The original jpg was done by the camera, a 1Ds Mk III in this case.




However, suspose you got something wrong. In this case I under exposed it by 3 stops.  But it could be any condition.  WB, color balance, saturation, and on and on, etc.




Corrected RAW.




Corrected jpg.  But below lets look a little closer.




Especially check the shadows. Can you see the difference?  Need a better look?  OK, here is a 100% crop of that enlargment.




It should be blantly obivious that RAW is the way to go.  All else was equal. Same camera. Same lens. Same time of day. Same, same!

Get Lightroom................Smiley Happy


EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.
210 REPLIES 210

i see i still have much to learn about raw and jpg.  i have alot to learn to decide between the two even.  this is way more complicated than just learning to use my camera.  but i can only learn if i try to learn.   if i can't grasp it all in a resonable amount of time i may decide that photography should just a hobby.

i will continue with dpp for now, besides it's all i have to work with.


btw.....i also have picture style editor can i use it too???   does it go with dpp or are they for different purposes.  seems to have some of the same features as dpp.  i suppose dpp is the better program since no one has even mentioned pse.

btw...that's a beatiful picture, you are really good at what you do. 


our styles are different i see, i don't keep any files on my pc internal hard drive.  only thing on my pc drive is my operating system and programs installed.  i send everything else to external drive.  You do have a hot system though and you would need a system like that for what you do.   Have to give you credit you're on top of your game.

never heard of microcenter drives.  i usual use wd or seagate, preferably wd.

bob i'm still trying to wrap all you and biggs have said about raw and jpg around my head.  but i believe with time it'll all fall in place.  you two have been at this for years, proably even had schooling years ago.  this stuff is 2nd nature to you guys, but i'm struggling along best as i can trying to just grasp the basics.

i think i made a mistake telling you my ultimate goal is to have a business.  i think that made you take a different route in teaching me.  i really think you're trying to teach me and encourage me into areas i'm not ready for yet.  be better if you saw me as the rookie i am, and just help me learn the basics.  i trully don't see raw being an issue right now, especially since i've already started using raw.  whether i see the defects or not has no bearing on me taking pics in raw.  i will see it as i learn, i'm positive about that.  i'm doing, and trying to learn, best as i can, and moving too fast into stuff before i'm ready can not be helpful.  if you forget about the business aspect, and just see me as a rookie in photography, i'll move right along i'm sure.  far as the lens and camera i get, that's one of my charactor defects.  i always will get the best gear for whatever it is i like to do.  it was that way with my audio/video gear, my pc's and all my grown up toys.  i would get the best camera and lens i can afford even if i only took pics every now and then and not take things as serious as i have.  i just appriciate quality gear.  seriously, let's just slow down and take things as they come.  i'll understand all you tell me in time.   but too much at one time will only overwhelm me and my process of learning will slow down.  I believe you have the best of intentions and i do appriciate all you've taught me.

"never heard of microcenter drives."


Microcenter is a store.  They have all brands there.  It is a chain so you may have one.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

"i will continue with dpp for now, besides it's all i have to work with."  "i also have picture style editor can i use it too???"



 Any and all the software that came with your camera from Canon is fine for a hobbyist.  Even for advanced amatuers, it is OK.

None of it will work for a professional business.


I know lots of good, really good, photographers that produce fantastic work and have no intention on going into or making it a business.  I almost cringe when somebody comes up and says can I help them go into business as a photographer.  Most people have no clue as to what it takes to make a living at this.  If you love shooting pictures, you probably don't want to become a pro.  That does not mean you can't pick up a job or two on the weekends, etc.


There are two free clones of Lightroom.  One is Darktable and the other is Lightzone.  Either is pretty good, you might like to try.  They are free and look almost like LR.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

That's good to hear.  Right now, all i want to do is master my camera and take pics i'm proud of.  1st things 1st.  no offence, but i never asked you to help me go into business.  remember, you asked me what my goals were, you asked what was my plan.  So i told you.  I really do appriciate your willingness to help me toward a business but all i wanted and still want is to learn photography.  If i'm good at that, all the rest will fall in place.   But if i'm no good as a photographer, a business would only be an expensive failure.   You know the saying...find something we love to do and figure a way to get paid for doing it.  I love photography.  Even if i go into business one day, it'll only be partime.  I never wanted to make a business where I would live off photography income, I have a comfortable retirement income.


i've been wondering what darktable was, i've seen it alot in guys tags here on site.  i will look at them.  I suppose for now I'll try to tackle some of the free ones.  You keep showing me pics of your recent work, so guess you do, more than just play with your toys.  You do take very nice pics and I see you're very artistic with your photo's with your post work.  I know it's hard to make a living in photography for the average joe, i know it's alot of work, i'm under no illusion about that.  I can imagine there must be alot of good photographers out here who cannot earn a living with their work.  Photography is fun to me and has many side benefits also.  Soon I'll start taking day and weekend  trips just to have fun with my camera

BTW....One of the things my classes will touch on is composition.   The instructor said we should take pics that tell a story.  I'm eger to hear what he says about that.   I do need to put more thought in what and how I shoot.  All 3 of these classes I'm taking are very basic though, just enough to get a rookie's tong wet to want to learm more.  later there will be a class on lightroom.  I'm looking forward to that also.  My biggest worry about being out taking pics is changing lens out in the elements.  How do you safely change your lens when working?   Have you ever caused issues with your camera/lens doing that???   We have'nt said anything about tripods/monopods, what do you say about those???   What to look for in a good one, and is price  important???   Unless I am doing photography as a business, I can't see the value of tripods $1,000.00 or more.   Heck I'm happy with mine (have 2) and they cost less than $200.00 each
