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Customizing dials and buttons on 5D Mark IV


I had customized my buttons on my 5D Mark III to suit my shooting style.  You can customize the 5D Mark IV but I don't see a way to set it up the way I had the Mark III which is confusing if I go from one to the other.


On the Mark III I had the ISO on my Quick Control Dial - I don't see that option on the Mark IV - shooting birds in low light I usually have my aperture wide open and change my ISO as needed - the placement of the ISO button is awkward and annoying but I don't see any way to assign it to another one-touch button ... am I missing something?  I shoot handheld ...




@crockny wrote:

Yes I will give it a shot - I was just trying to set it up the same as the Mark III but I see that isn't going to work ...


Great camera though ... I'm liking it ...



AH!  I forgot. Yes, the 5D Mark III did not have this feature.  It first appeared in the 1Dx, 7D2, 80D, 5D4, and 6D2.

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