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Canon r7 or r8 or something else


So I’m looking into getting a camera for content creation and looking into the r7 and r8. The r7 gives dual Sd as well as IBS but lacks in shutter speed and iso as well as cropped senor.

We’re as the r8 is 1 sd higher iso and shutter but smaller battery and heating quickly. I want to shoot a lot of like cinematic videos, but as well as take photos in low light settings, I just can’t decide overall which is the best choice to make, again looking for content creation camera as well as some photography and cinematics. I would love input if I should get these or go a different route. Was also thinking the Sony a7iii. Thank you. Really can’t decide.



The battery consideration alone is huge if you are going to shoot video.  I have owned Canon cameras that have used each of those two batteries, and have never been happy with the small batteries of the R8 (and the RP before that).  The Image Stabilization is also a big deciding factor with video.  

The R7 is a crop sensor, but it is 33MP... both the full frame R8 and the Sony A7iii are 24MP.  I guess I'm saying not to let the crop sensor scare you away because you will have great resolution.  

Your main difference will be with the lenses.  Do you want the 1.6 crop factor?  Meaning, will that be a problem with the type of video you plan on shooting?


Between Digital and Film, current number of working cameras is at 27.
Addiction is a horrible thing.


I should have added to my other reply that both DP Review, and/or Camera Decision have some nice side by side camera comparison tools to look at each camera feature by feature.  These tools have helped me in the past - it helps me spot the small differences in each, that might make a big difference for my personal needs.



Between Digital and Film, current number of working cameras is at 27.
Addiction is a horrible thing.