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Canon r6 menu, playback, and touch screen does not work


I was about to use my camera one day when I turned the camera on and noticed that the touch screen was not working. I went to the menu to see if I could re-enable it however the menu button was not working. I press it and nothing happens. Then the playback button and the Q button also do not work. The camera still takes pictures and turns on. I tried different batteries, letting the camera sit for a few days however it still does not work. additionally, when I try to switch the dial to video mode it does not work. but when I turn the camera off and then back on with the dial already in video mode it works however it won't let me record. I want to be able to use my camera however I can not even access the menu. if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. 



Not applicable

It sounds like the camera needs to be repaired. Did the camera get wet?


I contacted Canon Repair for support and to get a quote (hopefully it isn't too much) no the problem just happened, I put the camera in my camera bag and left it alone foe a few days and when I tried to use it again this happened. 


I have the exact same issue with one of my R6 Mk2 cameras. Did you manage to fix yours?

I sent the camera in for repair. After about a week I hadent heard anything about the camera and called to see what was going on. They explained that they wer not able to repair the camera due to there being alot of "corrosion inside th camera" however I never really shot in wet/damp conditions so I dont really know how this is possible let alone inside the camera. I recived the camera back and still has the same problem. The camera is outside of warrenty so I dont really know what to do with a bricked camera. I also noticed that when I hold down the focus button on my other camera I am not able to access the buttons so I believe that its either a problem with the shutter button or the focus system insede the camera. Still dont really dont know what to do. if you find anything out please let me know. Best of luck, cheers!

ahh man! That's rough. My camera is only 6 months old so I'll contact the seller. Thanks for the reply.
