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Canon Rebel lens mm to digital equivalent


So as I had stated earlier, I had just gotten a new Rebel T6.  I like it so far.


I have an old S3 that still works great.  Now i'm looking to expand my T6 to a higher zoom.


Currently my S3 has a lens that is 6.0 - 72.0 mm.


My Rebel T6 came with an 18 - 55 mm lens.  


Question is, what does the 18 - 55 translate to for digital?  I want to avoid getting a lens that does not go beyond what my S3 can zoom to.  For example, would a 55 - 250 mm lens surpass the S3 lens?





@t3ijbp wrote:

So as I had stated earlier, I had just gotten a new Rebel T6.  I like it so far.


I have an old S3 that still works great.  Now i'm looking to expand my T6 to a higher zoom.


Currently my S3 has a lens that is 6.0 - 72.0 mm.


My Rebel T6 came with an 18 - 55 mm lens.  


Question is, what does the 18 - 55 translate to for digital?  I want to avoid getting a lens that does not go beyond what my S3 can zoom to.  For example, would a 55 - 250 mm lens surpass the S3 lens?



The 35mm equivalent range of focal lengths for your "old S3" is 36-432mm, which works out to be a x6.0 crop factor.  Your T6 has a x1.6 crop factor, which means a 55-250mm lens will give you 35mm equivalent zoom focal range of 88-400mm. The 18-55mm lens has a 35mm equivlanet zomm focal range of 29-88mm.


Using a 300mm focal length on your T6 would have a 35mm equivalent focal length of 480mm.  The EF-S 55-250mm lenses are a pretty good match for your T6.  Canon sells a couple of different models, differing mainly by their release dates and the type of autofocusing motors.  The latest and greatest have "STM" at the end of the model number.


I would recommend staying away from the budget priced 70-300mm lenses.  The 55-250mm lenses offer better image quality, and less chromatic distortion.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Does that include the new nano-usm 70-300? Remember, for APS-C you only need to use the inner portion anyway, where chromatic distortion is less.

@kvbarkley wrote:

Does that include the new nano-usm 70-300? Remember, for APS-C you only need to use the inner portion anyway, where chromatic distortion is less.

"I would recommend staying away from the budget priced 70-300mm lenses."


Is the new nano-USM 70-300mm budget priced?


IMG_2015_07_230140.Clear.png      IMG_2015_07_230140.Clear.Cropped_200.png


Just above is what the EF 70-300 IS III EF 75-300 III looks like at 200%.  Notice the purple fringing along the high contrast edges.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

There is no 70-300 IS III. There is a 75-300 III.

Note, no IS and the different focal length.

@kvbarkley wrote:

There is no 70-300 IS III. There is a 75-300 III.

Note, no IS and the different focal length.

Right, you are.  Thanks for sorting that out.  It's the 75-300mm kit lenses that I was thinking about.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."