Canon EOS Rebel xTi


My Rebel is taking blurry pictures.  I have watched several videos and tried to solve the problem but I am not having any luck.  Here are a few that I have recently taken.IMG_6421.jpgIMG_0512.jpg


Do you see how confusing this can be?  All these inner web "experts" can't even come together on how you should start out.

They all have their idea of the correct answer. 

As I suggested just leave the XTi in the P mode.  Take your time to learn how it is working.  Don't mess with the other settings that will only make it more difficult to see what went right and what went wrong. Remember KISS ?

A lot of the time the camera is smarter than the photographer.


The camera records the settings it used to take the photo.  You should look at it.  After a while you will begin to see what works and what doesn't.  But if you don't choose my way and you mess up the settings, you now know how to reset the camera!  Get it back to square one.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

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@ebiggs1 wrote:

Do you see how confusing this can be?  All these inner web "experts" can't even come together on how you should start out.

They all have their idea of the correct answer. 

As I suggested just leave the XTi in the P mode.  Take your time to learn how it is working.  Don't mess with the other settings that will only make it more difficult to see what went right and what went wrong. Remember KISS ?

A lot of the time the camera is smarter than the photographer.


The camera records the settings it used to take the photo.  You should look at it.  After a while you will begin to see what works and what doesn't.  But if you don't choose my way and you mess up the settings, you now know how to reset the camera!  Get it back to square one.

I own an XTi, I physically had it in my hands and was checking the settings it used when in Sports 'running man' mode.


There is nothing more KISS then setting it to the Sports scene mode.


Because as another poster pointed out, P Mode, isn't going to set your camera to AIServo, and P Mode wont automatically put your camera in continuous shooting mode. And P Mode wont automatically choose a high enough shutter speed for moving subjects. 


And if you are going to have to do all those settings you might as well shoot in Av mode with f/5.6 (wide open for your lens) and adjust your ISO to keep your shutter speed at or above 1/500  Just remember to set your camera to AIServo, and put your camera in continuous shooting mode


So if you want KISS just use the Sports mode.


And as I suggested if you are confused by all the different advice try one way for a period or portion the game, then try the other way(s) for the remaining portions. Then when you get home, look at the photos and decide what works best for YOU!

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You didn't post exposure settings, but the photos have exposure settings embedded in them.


1.  1/100, f/4, ISO 100, Unknown

2.  1/20, f/5.6, ISO 400, AI Servo


The second shot is definitely showing the effects of slow shutter speed, 1/20 sec.  You're seeing motion blur from the subjects.  Not everyone is equally out of focus.  Some people who are stationary are less out of focus, like the men to either side of the young lady who appears to be the subject of the shot.  Background people are out of focus most likely due to depth of field. 


The first shot isn't tack sharp, either.  Again, the shutter speed is a little on the low side to freeze the motion of someone who may be moving when the shutter is fired.  Available light seems a bit low, but the camera still should have focused fairly  The first shot also seems to have been processed, which resulted in a loss of some shooting information.


I cannot determine which AF point in the camera was used to lock focus.  I would advise setting up the camera to always use the center point.  I would advise using "One Shot" focusing mode for these types of shots, instead of "AI Servo" mode.  The latter mode is good for action shots, where subject distance is changing, and you're taking a burst of continuous shots.  For all other shooting conditions, stick to One Shot mode and the just the center AF point.  Do not let the camera select an AF point for you.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

Thank you!

I am not sure how to get it of Al Focus

"I am not sure how to get it of Al Focus"


Do the reset I suggested.  One Shot is the default.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!


@johnscel wrote:

My Rebel is taking blurry pictures.  I have watched several videos and tried to solve the problem but I am not having any luck.  Here are a few that I have recently taken.

Looks like a settings issue.


Setting the camera to the Green Square or using the Sceen Modes is the easiest way to solve this.


Then you want to reset your camera to factory defaults in the menu under the orange 'wrench hammer 2' go down to 'Clear settings' then do both 'Clear all camera settings' and 'Clear all Custom Functions'.





"My Rebel is taking blurry pictures"


These appear to be 'user error' shots.  I would start by resetting the camera.  Remove both batteries for a time.  About 30 minutes to an hour should work.  If you have to reset the date and time the XTi did reset.

Make sure the lens is set to AF (switch on the lens).  Make sure you put the XTi to the "P" mode (not the green square).


Go out side on a nice daylighted day and try it. Take several different shots.  Are they sharp as expected now? If so there is nothing wrong with the camera.

Next we need to work on your technique!  

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

THANK YOU....  I would LOVE technique tips 🙂

I'm just a mom that wants good pictures of my kids.

Also do the other tips I made.  Especially the reset and outdoor shots to determine if the camera is OK.  This is where we will start.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

Thank you

I will let you know what happens.


The young lady on the bridge, I don't know right off. Perhaps you didn't hold the camera still and motionless?


The graduation is clearly insufficient light.  The XTi will try to get a proper exposure but has no idea what you are shooting.  The people are moving to fast for the SS it chose.  For this type shot, you will need to control the camera yourself or at least make some of the settings.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!