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Canon 80D cannot connect to iphone.


I have had my canon 80D for a few years. The connection to my iPhone has always been glitchy. But lately, I cannot connect at all. I have the latest firmware installed on my camera. Every time I connect the Wi-Fi in my phone settings when I go to the canon app on my phone, it disconnects the application. I haven’t seen anything in the community that has been helpful in the situation. I have to say I love cannons, but this feature has always been mediocre at best. I hope your latest cameras are much better at maintaining a solid Wi-Fi connection. I would really like some help and figuring this out. 



Welcome to the Canon forums?

Sorry to hear that you’re having connection issues.  It is a recurring complaint. I have a theory about the cause of this recurring issue. Try going into Settings and disable the setting that allows the phone to automatically connect to Wi-Fi networks

The problem is most likely the phone’s network settings because the mobile phones always “wants” to connect to the Internet. When the phone makes a Wi-Fi connection to your camera, it does not have and Internet connection.  Given enough time, the phone will disconnect from the camera and go looking for the Internet.

If you allow the camera/phone connection to go idle for some set period of time defined in the phone firmware, the phone will drop the camera and reconnect itself to the Internet through the phone service provider, or some other network.

Again.  Try disabling the feature that allows the phone to automatically connect to networks, if it is not already disabled.  Let me know if it is already disabled.  You probably want to have it disabled, anyway.  Allowing your phone to connect to any network it can find is a security risk.

"Fooling computers since 1972."

Thanks. I was able to solve it by deleting the WiFi settings on my camera and setting up a new profile.
