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Canon 80D Custom Settings (C1 & C2)


My venerable and much loved 40D died recently and I've replaced it with an 80D.

I know how the Custom settings work, but on the 80D it's telling me that I can't set the aperture and shutter speed.  I'm not bothered about the shutter speed as I'm happy for the camera to sort that out, but for me the aperture is important, the whole point of the Custom settings mode for me is that the camera is ready to shoot instantly.

I spend a lot of time photographing insects, mainly Dragonflies and Butterflies, and having to make any alterations to the settings before shooting is sometimes just too long to wait. I could set the aperture in the Custom modes on my 40D.

I've seen a video on Youtube of an 80D in C1 mode which clearly shows  an aperture and shutter speed set.

Why is my 80D different and what can I do about it?



The Custom shooting modes are not shooting modes defined by the camera.  They are shooting modes that the user defines.  


For example, I have a shooting mode that was created from M shooting mode.  It uses One Shot AF Mode, one AF point enabled, Sngle Shot Drive Mode, and Back Button Focus.  I have another custom shooting that I created from M shooting mode that uses AI Servo AF Mode, all AF points enabled, Continuous Drive Mode, and the BBF button to turn off AF.  


If you cannot adjust aperture, then you may have saved a custom shooting mode based upon Tv shooting mode.  You need to redefine your custom mode.  You may also want to disable the setting that automatically updates your custom mode with new settings.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

To expand on what Waddizzle already stated...To use the C1 and C2, you first set all of the menu options, and all of the settings - say you use Av or M mode. When you register your settings into C1 for example, C1 will remember all of the settings, including the menu options. If you saved the Av mode, then you can only change the Av. If you saved it in M, then you can change both Tv and Av. Any changes you make in C1 or C2 mode will shortly revert back to saved settings within a short time.
Diverhank's photos on Flickr

To add more to the advice given above, you should also see a little subscript on the LCD right under the C1, to see what mode you programmed. This is a photo I took of the screen here.

Another cool feature, you can also have the camera continuously keep the settings updated or have them always start at the default settings you initially programmed. For example, if you are doing macro shots and you find you want to always start at f/8 instead of f/5.6, you dont have to reprogram. There is a setting where it keeps your latest camera setting, and continuously overrides the previous one. 

I describe custom settings in more detail if you are interested. 

Custom shooting modes are serious time savers!


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