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Canon 60D says 'busy' when pressing shutter


During a photoshoot indoors I kept getting a 'busy' message whep pressing the shutter button.  There was about 2-5 second delay before the shutter would fire.  This occured randomly several times.  I was shooting on Manual with manual focus so I don't think it was a focusing issue.  I have a class 10 memory card (80 MB/sec) and I don't think my buffer was full.  I wasn't shotting very fast anyway.  I was using the built in wireless flash setting to control two 430 EX II speedlites that were set to 50% power.  I don't think it was waiting for the on camera flash to charge up because I often shoot before it is fully charged and have never gotten the busy message before.   So I am not sure why I was getting the busy message.


I suspect the wireless flash operation for causing a "busy" message. The flashes obviously need to "check in" with the camera and that may have been interrupted by an obstacle or other issue related to your shoot.

Of course, I could be entirely wrong...