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Canon 40D Autofocus Will Not Work


Hello there,


I have a 40D with the kit USM lenses that the autofocus stopped working completely.

The camera takes pictures fine with manual focus, but I'm trying to fix this issue so I can use it as it was intended.

Firmware version is 1.0.8


Some things I have tried to fix this issue

  • Reset to Factory Settings
  • Removed/Replaced the CR2016 coin battery
  • Used a bulb on the AF sensor area to clear any potential dust
  • Cleaned the contacts for the lenses and the camera

All to no avail.


I bought this camera new back in the day and have babied it and taken great care of it over the years.


The interesting thing is that a friend recently gave me a Canon Rebel XSI that is having the exact same issue.


Am I dealing with some sort of planned obsolecense here?


Thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



What if you have one bad lens, instead of two bad cameras?  BTW, make sure the AF/MF lens switch is on AF.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

I should have mentioned...

I have 2 kit lenses for each camera and I bought the 40D new in 2007 and have been very careful with both camera body and lenses over the years so I know they have been taken well care of.


I've tried all 4 of the lenses on both camera bodies and they all behave the same way (yes, AF is selected), so I am thinking this is a camera body issue, not a lens issue.


The camera tries to autofocus but won't take the pic, and the best way I can describe it is that it "stutters" back and forth trying to find focus but just can't get it. I have tried selecting/using the various focal points in the viewfinder, to no avail.


@Greeblen wrote:

Hello there,


I have a 40D with the kit USM lenses that the autofocus stopped working completely.


The interesting thing is that a friend recently gave me a Canon Rebel XSI that is having the exact same issue.


Thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Please confirm....   Are you saying you have 2 cameras and 1 lens, and that both cameras will not AF with that 1 lens? 

Mike Sowsun

As mentioned in a previous reply, I have 2 cameras and 4 lenses.

AF will not work properly on either camera body (40D and Rebel XSI) with any of the 4 lenses. 

All 4 lenses will AF perfectly and perform normally when used on another camera body that is not experiencing this AF problem.

You can try if AF works when using a remote switch.